A District nurse, health clerk, or office staff is available on campus to assist with the illness or injury of a child. Parents will be contacted to pick up their child if he/she needs to go home or see a physician. Information and guidance is provided to staff, parents, and students when medical conditions affect academic and/or social growth.
When Your Child is ill
Germs spread very quickly. If your child tells you that he/she does not feel well, please take the time to take his/her temperature BEFORE sending your child to school. We know that a child does not always have a fever when feeling ill, but most often we find ourselves sending home children who do. Listen to your child and take their temperature! A temperature of 100 degrees + will result in a phone call for him/her to be picked up.
*Your child must be fever free without medication and vomit free for 24 hours before returning to school.
Vision and Hearing Screenings
District nursing staff provides students with vision and hearing screenings for grades Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten, 2, 5, new students, or at parent or teacher request.
Please make certain that your child eats breakfast before arriving at school. Often times a “sick” child is just hungry.
Medication at School
Any time your child requires medication at school, the medication must be kept in the nurse’s office to be given by school personnel. LEGALLY, the school requires:
- Medication MUST be in the ORIGINAL pharmacy bottle, labeled by the pharmacist.
- The parent MUST sign a consent form prior to medication being administered. The form is available in the school office, as well as on the IUSD web-site under Health Services (http://iusd.org/education_services/health_services/index.html).
- The physician MUST also sign the consent form prior to medication being administered. Medication will not be administered unless instructions are specific.
- Medication MUST be brought to school by a parent. At no time should medication arrive at school in a lunch box, backpack, baggie, etc.
These regulations apply to NON-PRESCRIPTION medications as well. Non-prescription drugs include aspirin, vitamins, cough syrup, cough drops, ointments, etc. The only exception would be if parent/guardian gives consent to provide first aid such as calamine lotion, eye wash, Vaseline, etc.
Please do not ask school personnel to administer medications supplied by you until the above mentioned requirements have been met.
Please do not ask school personnel to supply your child with medication as no medications are supplied by the school.
Please do not send your child to school with medications of any kind.

Parent Notice of Severe Food Allergies
Dear Parent/Guardian:
As many of you may know, allergies to peanuts, nut products, and other foods are not uncommon in our student population. If a child has a severe food allergy and comes in contact with the allergen through ingestion, inhalation, or direct contact, a severe allergic reaction, known as anaphylaxis, may occur. This type of allergic reaction can be life-threatening.
We presently have one or more students within this classroom with severe allergies to peanuts, nut products, or other foods. We believe that prevention is the best approach in caring for all students at risk. We are requesting your cooperation by asking that:
- You not send food for a classroom celebration without first checking with the teacher.
- If your child eats peanut butter before school, please make sure they wash their hands before coming to school.
- Some children bring their lunch to school. Peanut butter sandwiches may be brought to school. There will be a special table for children who have food allergies. Peanut butter sandwiches and nuts will not be allowed at that table.
- Additionally, please encourage your children not to share any of their food with other students and encourage them to get into the habit of washing their hands before and after meals.
As we strive to make the school a safe environment for all students, we thank you for your cooperation in this important matter. If you have any questions, please contact the health office at 949-936-5411
Samantha Lutz, RN, MSN
School Nurse