Purpose of ELAC at Alderwood
ELAC is a committee of parents/guardians of English learners, staff, and community members who advise the principal, and school staff on programs and services for English learners. Parents/guardians of English learners are given priority as members over parents/guardians of other students.
ELAC Overview
The California Legislature is committed to ensuring that parents/guardians of English learners (EL) have a voice in the education of their children. This belief is reflected in the passage of specific California Education Code (EC) and California Code of Regulation (CCR) sections requiring English Learner Advisory Committees (ELAC) and District English Learner Advisory Committees (DELAC) to be in place in schools and districts that educate English learners.
California Education Code (EC) § 52176(b) states, "Each school with more than 20 (21 or more) pupils of limited English proficiency shall establish a school level advisory committee on which parents or guardians or both, of such pupils constitute membership in at least the same percentage as their children and wards represents of the total number of pupils in the school. The school may designate for this purpose an existing school level advisory committee or subcommittee of such an advisory committee, if the advisory committee or subcommittee where appropriate, meets the criteria stated above."