Homework Plans



Purpose Statement:

Homework provides opportunities for students to establish a routine to practice what they have learned. With parent/guardian involvement, homework empowers children to be independent learners and develop responsibility.


Appropriate Parent/Guardian Involvement

Parent/guardian involvement for homework should have the intent to develop independent skills.  Parent/guardians are encouraged to provide appropriate assistance with this goal in mind.. Daily homework should take approximately 10 minutes to complete. Students are strongly encouraged to read at their level or be read to for 15 minutes per night.


Informing Parents  & Guardians

Parents will be informed about specific homework procedures and expectations at the Back to School presentation on the first day of school.


Homework and Absences

Students with absences will be given the opportunity to complete missing homework assignments.


Academic Breaks

Homework is not assigned during academic breaks or on the first Tuesday of each month.


First Grade

Purpose Statement:

Homework should provide opportunities for students to practice and apply what they have learned and to develop responsibility.  Homework should empower children to become independent learners


Appropriate Parent/Guardian Involvement

Homework should be done independently with appropriate assistance from parents or peers.  Nightly homework should take approximately 15 minutes to complete. Students are strongly encouraged to spend a minimum of 20 minutes per night engaged in reading.



Informing Parents  & Guardians

Parents will be informed about specific homework procedures and expectations at Back to School Night and through ongoing classroom communication.  


Homework and Absences

Students with excused absences will be given the opportunity to complete missing homework assignments upon return to class.


Academic Breaks

Homework is not assigned during academic breaks.


Second Grade


Purpose Statement:

Homework should provide opportunities for students to practice, adapt, and shape what they have learned.  Nightly homework should take 20-30 minutes to complete. Homework completion is factored into a student’s Responsibilities for Learning and Behavior grade.


Appropriate Parent/Guardian Involvement

Homework should be done independently with appropriate assistance from parents or peers unless explicitly directed otherwise by teacher.


Informing Parents  & Guardians

Homework assignments will be written by each student in his/her homework agenda/journal.  Homework assignments and agenda/journal entries should be reviewed by parents/guardians. Parents are encouraged to contact the classroom teacher by phone or email with any questions or concerns regarding homework or resources necessary to complete homework.


Homework and Absences

No student may have his/her grade reduced or lose academic credit for any excused absence when missed assignments and tests are satisfactorily completed within a reasonable period of time.  (Education Code 48980)
The teacher of any class from which a student is suspended may require the student to complete any assignments and tests missed during the suspension. (Education Code 48913)


Academic Breaks

Homework is not assigned during academic breaks.

Third Grade

Purpose Statement:

In 3rd grade, homework is not explicitly assigned.  Students are expected to read and practice math facts nightly. Study guides for tests may be sent home 2 days prior to test date to support learning responsible study habits. Teachers will share resources that can be utilized by parents to support their student’s learning.


Appropriate Parent/Guardian Involvement

Parents and guardians will be informed of topics and curriculum covered each school day with a daily log completed in class.  Teachers encourage parents to use this daily log to guide discussions about what was learned that day. As needed, communication with the teacher is strongly encouraged. Parent support to learn responsible study habits is highly encouraged.  


Homework and Absences

In 3rd grade, students are always responsible for all class work, and assessments missed during any absence. Work missed during an absence or unfinished school work is expected to be completed at home.  A reasonable period of time is considered to be approximately twice the amount of time the student was absent from class to make up missed work (e.g. If a student is absent 2 days, they will have 4 days to complete their missed work and assessments).


Academic Breaks

The first Tuesday of every month is Family Time Tuesday and considered an academic break.


Fourth Grade

Purpose Statement:

In 3rd grade, homework is not explicitly assigned.  Students are expected to read and practice math facts nightly. Study guides for tests may be sent home 2 days prior to test date to support learning responsible study habits. Teachers will share resources that can be utilized by parents to support their student’s learning.


Appropriate Parent/Guardian Involvement

Parents and guardians will be informed of topics and curriculum covered each school day with a daily log completed in class.  Teachers encourage parents to use this daily log to guide discussions about what was learned that day. As needed, communication with the teacher is strongly encouraged. Parent support to learn responsible study habits is highly encouraged.  


Homework and Absences

In 3rd grade, students are always responsible for all class work, and assessments missed during any absence. Work missed during an absence or unfinished school work is expected to be completed at home.  A reasonable period of time is considered to be approximately twice the amount of time the student was absent from class to make up missed work (e.g. If a student is absent 2 days, they will have 4 days to complete their missed work and assessments).


Academic Breaks

The first Tuesday of every month is Family Time Tuesday and considered an academic break.


Fifth Grade


Purpose Statement:

We believe homework in 5th grade should:

  • Allow time for students to review and practice what they have learned in class

  • Stimulate prior knowledge for future lessons

  • Promote active practice of life-skills such as time management, organization, and responsibility

  • Provide immediate feedback to the teacher and student


Appropriate Parent/Guardian Involvement

Parents of fifth graders are asked to support the concept of homework by establishing a consistent homework place and routine, encouraging, motivating and prompting independent study skills, and checking for understanding and completion by discussing homework with your child on a regular basis.   


Informing Parents  & Guardians

At the beginning of the year, parents will receive notification of:

  • The teacher’s homework expectations

  • How homework is factored into student grades

  • How to respond when homework demands feel excessive

  • How to access online resources

  • How homework assignments are communicated


Homework and Absences

No student may have his/her grade reduced, or lose academic credit, for any excused absence when missed assignments and tests are satisfactorily completed within a reasonable period of time. Education Code 48205.


Academic Breaks

Parents/guardians will be notified that teachers usually don’t assign homework over weekends.  In addition, Family Time Tuesdays (1 per month), winter and spring breaks are homework-free zones!


Message Points and Encouragement to Parents


We encourage open communication via email regarding homework concerns.

Sixth Grade


Purpose Statement:

We believe homework in 6th grade should:

1.  Allow time for students to review and practice what they have learned in class

2.  Stimulate prior knowledge for future lessons

3.  Promote active practice of life-skills such as time management, organization, and responsibility

4. Provide immediate feedback to the teacher regarding student comprehension


Appropriate Parent/Guardian Involvement

Students in 6th grade should be completing most homework independently.  Parents can assist them in time management and organization of their work.  


Informing Parents  & Guardians

Teachers provide information on their Canvas page and on Back to School Night on the following topics:

  • the teacher’s homework expectations

  • how to respond when homework demands feel excessive

  • how to access online resources

  • how to request/schedule assistance


Teachers coordinate to prevent excessive homework


Homework is factored into overall trimester grades.


Homework and Absences

No student may have his/her grade reduced or lose academic credit for any excused absence when missed assignments and tests are satisfactorily completed within a reasonable period of time (Education Code 48980).  Text of that code can be found here: http://www.leginfo.ca.gov/cgi-bin/displaycode?section=edc&group=48001-49000&file=48200-48208


Academic Breaks

Teachers rarely assign homework over weekends.  In addition, Winter and Spring Breaks, and “Family Time Tuesday” are homework-free zones!  


Message Points and Encouragement to Parents

We encourage open communication via email regarding homework concerns.